as a consequence

[æz ə ˈkɔnsikwəns]
  • 释义
  • 因而,结果;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    I regret to inform you he died as a consequence of his injuries.


  • 2、

    This fact has been fully appreciated as a consequence of airborne surveys.


  • 3、

    The oligohydramnios resulted from markedly diminished fetal urine output as a consequence of polycystic kidney disease.


  • 4、

    Cysts may develop as a consequence of hemorrhagic, ischemic , infectious, or tumoral processes.

    可以是出血 、 缺血 、 感染或肿瘤等.

  • 5、

    CEPHALOPODS: Squid prices remain at very high level as a consequence of the very limited supplies.

    头足类: 由于鱿鱼的生产和供给仍然非常有限,价格还是非常高.

  • 6、

    As a consequence of the side effect of the drug, he has become a deaf.

    由于药物的副作用, 他成了聋子.

  • 7、

    The work products produced as a consequence of the testing strategy are identified.


  • 8、

    As a consequence of these changes an enormous number of HIV variants exist worldwide.


  • 9、

    In this changing business environment, different demands are being placed on employees. As a consequence, the education system needs to change.


  • 10、

    This is viewed as a consequence of our inability to understand and treat a complex problem.


  • 11、

    As a consequence, certain principles about space are prior to experience.

    因此, 关于空间的某些原理是先于经验而存在的.

  • 12、

    She worked hard at her lessons and as a consequence got high marks.


  • 13、

    The warning failed to sink in, and he got into trouble as a consequence.

    他没理解那个警告, 因此惹上了麻烦.

  • 14、

    As a consequence, structured finance had remained a niche and highly bespoke practice throughout the 1990 s.

    因此,上世界90年代期间, 结构化金融始终是高度定制化的利基业务.

  • 15、

    As a consequence, classicism in painting was quickly taken the place of by romanticism.

    结果, 绘画领域的古典主义很快就被浪漫主义所代替.

  • 16、

    As a consequence, is a significant drive to realise revenues as quickly as is possible.

    因此, 尽快实现增收有了一个重要的动力.

  • 17、

    As a consequence, alcohol , drugs and prostitution are endemic.

    随之而来的后果, 是当地?锢牡男锞莆?竞吐粢?

  • 18、

    As a consequence we engaged in contingency planning that we felt would keep people safe.


  • 19、

    As a consequence , budget deficits will not stimulate output or employment.

    所以, 预算赤字不会刺激产出和就业.

  • 20、

    As a consequence, the unprecedented rate of deterioration in labour market the past year should ease.

    受此影响, 过去一年就业市场史无前例的恶化步伐应当会放缓.

  • 21、

    As a consequence the global bond markets have entered into a bear market.


  • 22、

    Please notethat any costs incurred as a consequence will be invoiced to you.


  • 23、

    As a consequence, the Fordist assembly lines were surrounded by large stockpiles of parts.

    因此, 福特装配线四周大型储存部分.

  • 24、

    As a consequence, their living standards were low.


    ——英汉非文学 - 政府文件
  • 25、

    As a consequence his flock is and dies in its own turn.


  • 26、

    As a consequence, the task of configuring a mobile device is getting even more complex.

    因而, 正确配置好手机操作系统的工作会变得更复杂.

  • 27、

    As a consequence , she was resentful and suspicious.

    这么一来, 她变得满腹怨恨和疑心重重.
